Arts, Digital Art
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7 Deadly Catsins by Marija Tiurina

Marija Tiurina - The Seven Deadly Sins Cat


Marija Tiurina London based illustrator teamed up with NeonMob to recreate an identity for the seven deadly sins with cats. NeonMob is a digital art platform where anyone can discover new art limited-edition personal collections created by artist from around the world. She created an art set for NeonMob. 

“Deadly sins are quite symbolic and interesting. But Google search shows you only boring fantasy art, and pretty much the same style of drawings is repeat on every page of search results. I thought that the topic deserves another chance,” explains Tiurina.

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Find out more on Deadly Catsins at or NeonMob.

Check out her other work at Facebook, Behance, Tumblr

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